Joe Sells The Poconos

10 Fireplace Safety Tips
CENTURY 21 Select Group 2 months ago

During the fall and winter months, many homeowners light their fireplaces to help keep their homes warm and cozy. Plus, as countless movies have taught us, fireplaces can provide optimal ambiance for a romantic night in with a significant other.

However, unless precautions are taken, improper use of fireplaces could lead to house fires or carbon monoxide poisoning. To help you enjoy a fireplace safely, the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission offers the following tips:

1. Be sure the firepla...
Shining a Light on Generator Safety
CENTURY 21 Select Group 2 months ago

Power outages occur for various reasons, including utility blackouts, downed power lines and severe weather. During an outage, using a portable generator can help you meet your basic power needs, such as providing some lighting or keeping your fridge running and food from spoiling. However, improper use of a generator can pose safety risks, including fire or carbon monoxide poisoning.

If you plan to rely on a generator the next time your lights go out, follow these safety tips from the National...
Preparing Your Home for a Winter Storm
CENTURY 21 Select Group 4 months ago

Depending on where you live, dangerously low temperatures and mounds of snow are par for the course during the winter. Not only can a winter storm impact our daily lives, it can also do a number on our homes.

While we can’t put a halt on the change of seasons, we can take the proper measures to ensure that our homes are prepared for whatever Old Man Winter has up his sleeve.

Pay attention to the roof over your headOne of the biggest concerns during a winter storm is the roof. In fact, snow can...
Keep Your Refrigerator Clean and Organized
CENTURY 21 Select Group 6 months ago

Refrigerators are often breeding grounds for unintended science experiments and forgotten food. But it doesn't have to be that way. Getting into a routine with better refrigerator organization can help you stay on top of the food you have, reduce your grocery bills and even facilitate healthier eating. Here are a few tips to get you started.

Invest in Organizers

The best way to keep something from getting lost in the back of your fridge is to invest in organizing containers. A Lazy Susan can he...
Ten Tips for Dealing with Bed Bugs
CENTURY 21 Select Group 7 months ago

The familiar bedtime saying, “Good night, sleep tight, don’t let the bed bugs bite,” might be a cute little rhyme from our childhood. But when a home actually has bed bugs, there’s nothing cute about it.

Bed bugs feed on blood and cause irritating bites. It’s also a myth that these pests only live in dirty places; in fact, they can be transferred into a spotless home by humans or bug-infested items, such as second-hand furniture. Here are 10 tips to keep in mind in the unfortunate event that yo...
How to Avoud Micromanaging
CENTURY 21 Select Group 9 months ago

According to, "Micromanagement is a business management style where the boss or manager controls every aspect, no matter how small, of the work done by his or her employees."

Micromanagement can make employees feel as though their boss does not trust them to do the job they were hired for. Feeling demoralized, these employees may end up leaving the company for a healthier work environment.

Employees want a collaborative workplace culture. Per a 2019 report by Kimble,...
10 Items You Can Declutter Right Away
CENTURY 21 Select Group 1 year ago

Clutter is the bane of a well-curated home. It’s all too easy to let unnecessary objects pile up in your home. These 10 items are so easy to say goodbye to, you won’t believe you ever let them stay in your home in the first place!

Expired Toiletries

Makeup, lotions, and other toiletries can begin to harvest bacteria and simply go bad as time goes on. Toss expired or old items lurking in your bathroom drawer.

Old Spices

Spices lose their flavor and potency as time goes on. If you sniff your spic...
Joseph Sledzinski
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