Joe Sells The Poconos

Vegetables You Can Buy Once and Regrow Forever!
CENTURY 21 Select Group 2 years ago

Ever wonder how you could make your favorite vegetables last longer? You can, just by saving your vegetable leftovers and regrowing them in water. It’s a simple, cost-saving way to get the most of your veggies, keep your fridge replenished, and reduce your grocery bill!

For many vegetables, you only need to place the scraps into a bowl of water and they’ll start growing on their own. Of course, you should make sure that the container you use is appropriate for the size of the vegetable, and tha...
Spring in Bloom
CENTURY 21 Select Group 3 years ago

By Bill Deaton

April in Northeastern Pennsylvania marks the return of wildflowers to the area. Some are tiny, plentiful, and somewhat undramatic such as the Bluet (aka Houstonia) while others are large, rare, and flashy like the Red Trillium (aka the Wake-Robin, Trillium Erectus.)

Red Trillium are elusive and only pop for a short period. However, at close to 16-inches high and almost a foot in diameter, they are hard to miss when in bloom but only grow in specific locales. Bluets, on the other...
Joseph Sledzinski
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