Joe Sells The Poconos

10 Ways to Help Rein in Spending
CENTURY 21 Select Group 1 year ago

If, like many Americans, you find your money runs out before the month does, it may be because you don’t keep track of your spending. Budgeting helps, financial advisors assure us, but budget or no budget, there are ways to rein in your spending that may be less painful than you think:

Plan meals ahead and shop with a list. Planning out your meals for the week and shopping with a list can rein in food costs big time. As tempting as store displays may be, resist the urge to splurge. Stop buying...
Should You Pay off Your Student Loans Before You Buy a House?
CENTURY 21 Select Group 1 year ago

If you want to buy a house but you have student loans, you may be trying to figure out if you should save money for a down payment or focus on eliminating your existing debt before you take on a mortgage. The answer will depend on your individual circumstances. 

What Are the Terms of Your Student Loans?The amount you owe, your interest rate and the number of years left in your repayment period are all important. If you have large monthly payments that are straining your budget now, focus on pay...
Are You Getting Enough Sleep?
CENTURY 21 Select Group 1 year ago

Many people go to bed late and/or get up early to deal with work and family demands. Others go to bed at a reasonable time, but have trouble falling or staying asleep. Not getting enough sleep can impact many aspects of life.

How Sleep Deprivation Can Affect Physical and Mental HealthNot getting enough sleep on a regular basis can weaken your immune system and can increase your risk of becoming obese and developing serious medical conditions, such as type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure and hea...
How to Undo Common Stains
CENTURY 21 Select Group 1 year ago

No matter how careful you are, inevitably, you’re going to spill something. Whether it’s red wine on your favorite shirt, tomato sauce on your best tablecloth, or chocolate on the rug, the time will come when you’ll have to move into action fast to remove a stain from clothing or furniture. Here’s a stain-removing guide from Real Simple for some of the most common culprits you’re likely to encounter:

Coffee. Stretch the coffee-stained fabric over a bowl and pour boiling water over it from about...
Never Mow Your Lawn Again
CENTURY 21 Select Group 1 year ago

The roar of lawn mowers is a harbinger of spring in many neighborhoods, and if you have a yard, you probably spend part of your weekends mowing your lawn. Maintaining a lawn can be expensive too. You can mow your lawn yourself to save money, but there is still the cost of supplies, such as a mower, water, and fertilizer. Taking care of your lawn can also negatively impact the environment. Water runoff can contaminate waterways, and exhaust from gas-powered lawn tools can pollute the air.

If you...
3 Ways to Have Better Communication
CENTURY 21 Select Group 2 years ago

n an age where the majority of our communication happens from behind a screen, our face-to-face interactions are often lacking. Below are several tips for having clearer communication.

1. Make eye contact. Direct eye contact can go a long way in having a clear conversation. Not only will it help you pick up on non-verbal cues, but it will show respect – you’re not staring off into space.

2. Listen. Communication is often stalled when one (or more) parties involved simply awaits their turn to sp...
How to Protect Your Identity Online
CENTURY 21 Select Group 2 years ago

Protecting your identity online requires more than just ignoring spam emails from unknown senders, especially when it comes to using WiFi. Whether at home or in public, most people nowadays use wireless networks to save data on their phone plans or avoid spotty internet connections. However, this convenience comes at a risk. If you’re not careful, hackers might access your WiFi connection and compromise sensitive information stored on your device and in online accounts.

To help keep your inform...
Joseph Sledzinski
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